Muscle of the day is the Deltoids or the shoulder muscle. Deltoids are the thick flat muscle responsible for the round shape of the shoulder. It has three heads, front head, medial head, and rear head. Each of these three heads have different actions and therefore need different exercises to work each one. Below is a diagram of each side of the deltoid muscle we will be working anterior, medial, and posterior.

***while doing the following exercises consider starting will lower amounts of weight and working your way up as to not strain the muscle.
You will need hand weights and a work out band to perform the following exercises.
Front Raise/Anterior Deltoid
To perform this exercise correctly stand with your feet hip width apart, knees slightly bent, and neck, spine and pelvis in neutral position. Shoulders are down and wrists straight. Keep your trunk/abs tight and slowly lift weights to a 90 degree angle out in front of you. Movement is slow and controlled. Avoid using momentum to get weight back up in front of you. Repeat 10 times each arm.

Lateral Raise/Medial Deltoid
Start with legs hip width apart, knees slightly bent. Shoulders relaxed and down, elbows tucked into your side and bent at 90 degrees in front of you (as if you are holding a lunch tray). Keeping arms bent lift upwards until arms are at shoulder level. Slowly take back down and repeat ten times.
Start with legs hip width apart, knees slightly bent. Shoulders relaxed and down, elbows tucked into your side and bent at 90 degrees in front of you (as if you are holding a lunch tray). Keeping arms bent lift upwards until arms are at shoulder level. Slowly take back down and repeat ten times.

Seated Row/Posterior Deltoid
Sit on the floor with legs out in front of you, knees slightly bent. Spine and pelvis are aligned over your sit bones. Spine is tall and in neutral position. Shoulders and scapulae relaxed, down and back. Abs are tight and strong. Hold handles of work out band in front of you and pull back until elbows are at sides in a 90 degree angle. Release slowly allowing arms to reach out in front and slowly pull back again repeating 10 times.
Sit on the floor with legs out in front of you, knees slightly bent. Spine and pelvis are aligned over your sit bones. Spine is tall and in neutral position. Shoulders and scapulae relaxed, down and back. Abs are tight and strong. Hold handles of work out band in front of you and pull back until elbows are at sides in a 90 degree angle. Release slowly allowing arms to reach out in front and slowly pull back again repeating 10 times.

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