The Tricep Kickback Exercise
To do this exercise you will need a dumb bell, weight of your choice, and a bench is recommended although this exercise can be done on your hands and knees on the floor also.
Place one hand on the bench as well as the same side knee bent up on the bench, as shown in the above picture. You will hold the weight in your free hand. You want your back to be flat, head and neck straight, and abs tight (pull that belly button to your spine). Bring you arm up in a 90 degree angle next to your side, elbow tucked into your side nice and tight. Then leaving your upper arm in place next to your side kick your lower arm back until you can feel your tricep getting tight. Repetition is key when doing weighted exercises. I would recommend doing 3 sets of 10. To make this exercise harder as you become more advanced try using heavier weights and up the number of repetitions you do, try 5 sets of 12.
Well this comment isn't really about the post that I'm commenting on but I have a question I want to ask you given your mentioned major. You said if anyone has a question, they should leave a comment and that's why I'm here. Anyways, I was wondering, what are some exercises to work and/or strengthen calf muscles? I play a lot of basketball and from my workouts, it seems that not many exercises involve the calf muscles directly.