Monday, November 23, 2009

Tips For NOT Overeating

Well folks it's that time of year again, the Thanksgiving feast will be served in three days. During this festive time of year many of us have a tendency to overeat...not only on Thanksgiving, but until the New Year has begun and we decide to re-evaluate our goals and our health. I have found 7 tips that I feel will be very useful during the holidays. I'm not saying we shouldn't enjoy and indulge a little, but my hope is that these tips will be good reminders to you through-out this season so we aren't continually feeling like we are bursting at the seams.

1) Most people tend to eat when they are bored.
Keep yourself pre-occupied between meals. Play games with friends and family, read a book, watch a movie, go for a walk (yes, even if there is snow on the ground. the fresh air will do you good) go sledding, etc. The list could go on, the point is, have a plan and stick to it!

2) Many eat much snack when they are stressed out.
Again, a 10-minute walk outside will help you to relax. A hot bath at the end of the day is always a great way to relax.

3) Socializing makes you eat more than you should.
At parties you will be offered many delicious foods, making it hard to control yourself to reasonable portions. What you can do is to eat a piece of fruit before you go out so your stomach feels less empty. Also, start with small portions, you can always go back for more and you will be surprised how quickly you get full.

4) Do not eat too fast.
Eat slowly. Sip water between bites. Chew thoroughly before swallowing.

5) Eat satisfying foods. Stay away from foods that give you a lot of calories for very little volume, such as soda drink and chocolate. The higher the fiber, protein, and water content of a food, the more likely it is to be satisfying in your stomach. Avoid eating lots of processed foods.

6) Use a smaller plate. When you looks at the small plate, your brain will tell you the portion is adequate.

7) Don’t eat while watching TV. You are looking at TV and not on your food. So, you tend to overeat even if you are already full.

***One more tip we don't really think about...GET ENOUGH SLEEP!! When you aren't getting enough sleep your body will be lacking energy, to compensate you will eat more. Your body needs to get energy from somewhere, if you aren't willing to sleep then your body will make you want to eat so that it can perform the daily tasks you require of it.


  1. I read in a health magazine that on average Americans gain 7-12 pounds in between Thanksgiving and New Years. All of those heavy holiday foods and decadent desserts really pack on the weight. It's important to remember that if you're eating more calories than you're burning, you will get heavier.

  2. This post was DIRECTLY for me!! All of those have always been my problem. My dad even calls me "hoover" cause I inhale my food. THANKS A BUNCH!!! :)

  3. Bored? check
    Stressed? check
    Social? check
    Fast? check
    Processed? check
    Large plate? check
    TV? check

    It's sad to think that i am doing all the things that you aren't supposed to do! They are doing a weight loss contest during the holidays where i work and I've actually gained 4 pounds since weigh in. I'll start using these methods and see how much more i can lose!
